ஞாயிறு, 29 செப்டம்பர், 2024



At this juncture a doubt may arise in you as to how can persons of other religions be blessed by a Hindu Gnani?

If a particular deed of sin is committed by a Christian or Muslim or Hindu [divine religion], they face the same consequences in hell as well as in their next birth on earth. Hence the readers must know that there is neither harsher punishment for persons of other religions nor any concession for Hindus.
Similarly there is no difference in rewards for virtuous deeds. Moreover, a person born as a Hindu may be born in other religions in subsequent births and vice versa. Till one person attains the level of Mutrina Viveki, he may be born in different religions in turn. Though many in the world may have declared themselves as persons belonging to different religions, Gods are the masters of the entire universe and human race. Hence Gods don't discriminate on the basis of religion. Hence a Thuravi or Gnani may spiritually raise a person belonging to any religion up to a certain level. But since pure divine religion is on the point of extinction, no one can raise to divinity in future.

Let us turn towards Sadasiva Gnani about whom we were discussing. Hearing about his greatness, the heart of Pudukottai king, Vijayaraghunada Thondaiman's was yearning for the Darshan of Gnani. He was regretting the fact that Gnaanis have no permanent residence and where to find him. One day early morning he had a dream in which he had Darshan of Gnani. That is all. He sat on his horse and went in search of him into the forest area. Lo, the compassionate Gnani too came forward to give him Darshan in real life. The king fell at the feet of Gnani like an uprooted tree.

The Gnani not only blessed the king, but in response to his request also suggested to him to appoint one Gopala Krishna Shrouthigal, a man of wisdom, as his minister by writing his name on earth. The king collected the sand on which Gnani wrote, with devotion, prostrated to him and took leave of him. He reached the palace and offered regular puja and Aradhana to the sacred sand. Till the British regime came to an end, on all special days, the first priority was accorded only to that holy sand.



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