ஞாயிறு, 29 செப்டம்பர், 2024



Sanyasis who have heard of the greatness of Sri Paramasivendral used to come for his Darshan. A few learnt lessons in his presence. Hence it can be said that his Ashram was adorned by the presence of pundits, Sanyasis and philosophers. In such gatherings debates naturally happened which gracefully brought out the talent and scholarship of the participants. The ashram of Paramasivendral was no exception. As far as our Vedanthi [Sadasivan] was concerned he participated not so much as to exhibit his knowledge but did not spare those who participated with a clear intention to win. He engaged such competitive pundits in fierce debate till they conceded defeat. Though such scriptural debates and competition among scholars were common in those times, they helped evolution of arts and sublimation of culture of countries. Further, they also helped in maintenance of culture based on scriptures.

However those functioning at an exalted state may not be interested in such debates. As far as Paramasivendral was concerned though he was not interested in such debates, he did not want to offend those who participated in them in his presence by speaking his mind out and adopted an indifferent stance towards such activities in his ashram. One day a pundit who was vanquished by Sadasivan in a debate went to Paramasivendral and complained to him about Sadasivan. Paramasivendral gave an appropriate explanation to the aggrieved pundit called the Vedanthi after some time and spoke his mind out to him thus, "Sadasiva, what avail are these debates of? When are you going to conquer your tongue?"

The Vedanthi who understood fully the import of his Guru's words responded with humble devotion "Hey Guro! Only today I have received your grace".

That is all! From that second till he shed his mortal coil, there was silence. Sadasivar who gave up family attachment then renounced literary attachment too now. We may add, that he gave up his attachment to aversion! He left his Guru's ashram and wandered where his legs took him. He sat down in a few places and lay down in yet another places. He again took to wandering. This way, he was roaming about in the locality with total abandon. However his mind simply was empty.

Those who saw him decided that he has become insane. Some other persons reported the matter to His Guru Paramasivendral. But the Guru who knew Sadasivan's mindset felt bad that such insanity did not overcome him! Only because of this reason, the Guru pulled up Sadasivan mildly.

In other words, it can be said that this exhortation of his Guru became a blessing to Sadasivan. As far as Paramasivendral was concerned, he became a Mahan rooted in Siva conscience from the moment Sadasivan left him. After Paramasivendral passed away, a Sanyasi who was serving him was asked to ascend Kamakoti Peetam by the local heads. Till date Vaidhika Puja and Abhishekam are being conducted in the tiny temple in which Paramasivendral's Adhishtanam is housed.


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