ஞாயிறு, 29 செப்டம்பர், 2024



A statue of "Shakthi" [Ambal] which was consecrated by some immaculate men a few centuries before was lying unnoticed in a bush near Tanjore. This Ambal who was very powerful thought it fit to bless all persons out of sheer compassion. Hence she appeared in dream of the Tanjore king in the form of our Gnani, informed him the place where her statue was lying unnoticed, ordered it to be consecrated in the same spot and a temple built around it. The king took the order in all seriousness and executed the same.

In tune with the wishes of Ambal, Gnani gave power to the statue from his abode and also gave Darshan to the king in response to his prayers. Till date, this Ambal is seated in a small town by name 'Punnai Nallur ' aka 'Mariamman Kovil' and was a boon granter till the recent past.

Besides, if a man who has super human powers and doesn't worship Gods or idols, such a person is labelled as a Muslim by Muslims as a matter of principle. That is, such a person is supposed to be following the iconoclastic tenets enshrined in the Koran. Moreover, according to the dictates of Koran [Sura 9 - Verse 5] those who worship Gods and idols must either be converted to Islam or must be murdered in case they resist conversion. In India Muslims who are not aware of such draconian laws of Islam have been living. Two such Muslims heard about the reputation of our Gnani thought of him as incarnation of Nabi and accordingly pined for his Darshan.

At this time Gnani was showing up occasionally in Tanjore region. Whenever they heard of reports of a naked saint being seen in the vicinity, they used to run to the spot and check it out. Finally it so happened that they met up with Gnani. They bowed down to the Gnani as if he was Allah. Rewarded for a great act of virtue committed by them in their previous birth, they were granted the vision of Gnani and were raised to the level of Pazhutha Vivekis from that of Pamarans.

As soon as they got the blessing of the Gnani, they got detached from all worldly bondages. That is they renounced everything except hunger, thirst, sleep and dress. They sat at a place meditating on Gnani. Witnessing their power of renunciation people from all religions praised them and a few had their Darshan too. When they died, samadhis were constructed for them on the spot. In Tanjore, the samadhis exist till date and are called 'Rettai Masthan'.


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