ஞாயிறு, 29 செப்டம்பர், 2024



Let us now turn towards Paul. In this book I have written about Sanyasis called Bogomiles. They only followed the rules of Sanyasa as enunciated by Paul in his book. Paul excelled among his contemporary philosophers. Now I will give below the salient features of Gnani as elucidated by him.

"One who has stopped taking food and drink; one who focuses on the purity of his soul rather than of his garments; one whose body is dusty from avoidance of bath which is an activity to maintain one's body; one who is immersed in Brahma conscience". Such a person has been described as a Gnani and the tiny insects on his person has been equated to the precious stones of God.

By the way, when our Thuravi was sitting on the sands of Kaveri, there was a flash flood which drowned Him completely. Those who witnessed the incident described it as some Samiyar being washed away by water. The waters receded after many months. At the bank of river Kodimudi, a cart man laid his shovel to collect sand. The shovel hit some object lightly. He cautiously withdrew his shovel and was flabbergasted to observe blood at its tip. He shouted for help and with the assistance of those who came, he dug the sand and found our Thuravi whom he removed to safety. The Thuravi got up and moved away on his own. Those who witnessed this wonder spoke of the person as a great Mahan. The Thuravi now became a Gnani. He emerged naked from the sands which became permanent thereafter. After he became a Gnani, he might have travelled to any corner of the universe at will. But there is no chance for such things to reach our ears. We only hear about a few incidents that happened in our country.

One day when he was travelling in the forests on the bank of Tamraparani river, piles and piles of firewood was being taken to the army of the local head (Palyayapattu Thalaivan). A worker from palace who was a part of this activity, sighted this naked saint, gave him a piece of cloth and loaded a bundle of firewood on his head. The Gnani could have revealed his greatness to him in many ways. But he chose to do it with some humour. He carried the bundle for a few miles, reached the destination and put down the bundle on the other bundles gathered there already with a thud. Lo, the entire quantity of firewood caught fire! Those who witnessed this miracle knew that the perpetrator was a Mahan and developed a great sense of fear on that count. Some fell at the Samiyar's feet and begged for forgiveness. The entire pile of firewood was reduced to ashes in a split second. However the saint blessed for double the quantity which appeared there instantly surprising the onlookers completely. Apart from this, we hear about revival of a dead woman and curing of a leper. But we don't have their details.


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